Please note that our Retirement Contribution Portal is changing and moving to
The current portal will no longer function after June 1, 2023, so please transition to using the new portal when it becomes available starting May 15, 2023.
If you have questions about the new Retirement Contribution Portal or need assistance using the portal, contact NWPS from 8am - 8pm ET at 800-613-2250 or
Geneva Benefits Group, 1700 N Brown Rd Ste 106
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
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Please certify bank account before proceeding.
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Are you sure you want to delete this employee? By deleting an employee, you are canceling all current contribution schedules.
You are going to delete this bank account. If any future schedules are tied to this account they will be deleted along with it. Please confirm that you want to delete this account.